Ceramic Blanket & Fibre

Home Ceramic Blanket & Fibre

Ceramic Blanket & Fibre

Recon Refractory Ceramic fiber blanket is high purity Alumina silica .Double needing enhance. the physical propetries of the blanket conterring good handling ability durability and resistance to delaminating.

  • Characteristics
  • Applications
  • Specification
  • Low thermal conductivity
  • Low density
  • Double needed blanket
  • flexible and easy to cat and install
  • Contains no organic binder
  • Asbestos free.
  • short heating and cooling time
  • Resistant to thermal shock
  • Expancion joints and Seals for furnace kiln and the oven
  • Backup insulation
  • Lining for furnace,kiln and oven
  • high temperature tiltration
  • Fire protection
  • Lagging of high temperature pipe work
  • Steam turbine and nuclear inculation.
Chemical Composition
Sio2 53-58 48-55
AL203 42-47 30-34
Zr02 13-18
Other Traces Traces
Blanket Size(mm) 13 x 610 x 7620
25 x 610 x 7620
50 x 610 x 3810
Classification Temperature(¡ÆC) 1260 1425
Colour White
Fibers Diameter (4m) 2.5-4
Linear Shrinkage (%) 1200c x 24hrs -3.5 1400 x 24hrs -3.5
Thermal conductivity (w/mk) (Density 128 kg/m3 & mean temperature 500°c 0.15
Tensile strength (kPa)(25 mm thick , 128 kg /m3) 55 min
Non Fibrous Content by wt.(%) 30 max
Theoretical Density (kg/m3) 64/96/128

Complete Refractory Solution

BEST REFRACTORY PRODUCT COMPANY If you have any refractory product need, simply call our 24 hour number.

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