RR Low Cement Castable

Home RR Low Cement Castable

RR Low Cement Castable

RRLC castable is different Alumina content (A1203 varying from 45 to 90%) with service range between 1500c to 1800 c.

These Castable have very short curing time requirement.

It is a cement tree Castable.

  • Advantages
  • Specification
  • High reheat strength.
  • Superior thermal Shock resistant.
  • Low porosity with uniform pore size distribution.
  • High hot strength at all temperature with No zone of Weakness.
  • Excellent Wear resistant.
  • Increasing strength with rising temperature.
Description Units RR LC 45 RR LC 60 RR LC 70 RR LC 80 RR LC 90
Thermal Properties
Services temp. °C 1500 1600 1650 1700 1800
Linear Change 1400C ±1.00 ±0.80 ±0.50 ±0.50 ±0.40
Physical Properties
Dry Density Kg/m3 2300 2500 2700 2800 2900
CCS Kg.f/cm2 110C 600 650 700 750 850
800C 650 700 750 800 900
1250C 700 750 800 850 950
1500C 750 800 850 900 1000
Chemical Properties
Alumina(AL203) % 45 60 70 80 90
Ferric(max) % 1.5-2.5% 1.5-2.5% 1.5-2.5% 1-2% 1-2%
General Properties
Grain Size mm 0-6 0-6 0-6 0-6 0-6
Water Requirement % 5-6 5-6 5-6 5-6 4-5

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